Leveling of a vending machine is critical, as the process allows doors to open and close fluidly and the machine to move correctly. You must perform leveling when the machine is in its final position. 

Have the following tools ready before the procedure begins:

  1. Bubble level or a carpenter’s level 
  2. One and three-eighths inch open end wrench or crescent wrench, or Vendnet Leveling Tool

Using a level, place it on the top of the machine. Make sure the level is on top of the cabinet and not the door.

Using a 1-3/8” open end wrench, adjust the cabinet legs until the machine is level from side to side and front to back.

Find other parts and videos for your Model 3589 Combo Vending Machine here.

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Language: English
Product Type: legs
Difficulty: Easy
Duration: 5 Minutes or less
Models: 3589

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